Released by 21st Century
Type - Action/Esp
Score - 84/100
Well I am guessing that you all have have seen this one, but here is a little discription.
In the not so distant future 31 years after WW3 in Neo Tokyo a bike gang go around do gang activities during a time of political unrest. Enter some scientits experiment which runs into one of the bike gang members ( Tetsuo. Some government
group takes Tetsuo, does experiment on him and give him super esp power. Things go from there.
Akira in Australia is what you would call a cult movie because so many non anime fans even like. In fact this was the first anime released in Australia, which was not a childrens cartoon, and created a fairly large interest in anime but also turned many people off anime, " its too violent", " what is it all about?", " wheres the singing!", where some peoples commplaints about this anime.
Personly while the animation is very good, I felt the story could of had some more time to develope and seemed some what rushed.But then again it still is quite a very good story and I reccomend it to anyone who likes strange but interesting stories, and must be able to handle high graphic violence.
A note about the subtitled version it is better than the dubbed. Having said that it subtitled version was not released in Australia. The only place which has a copy, that I know of, is Video City Morley. But unfortunatly their copy is chewed for the first half hour so it is not really worth renting, ( plus unlike most video shops the scum that work here don't even give a refund or an apoligy for the chewed tape, which was even a new release, so don't go there!!!!! ).
If you know of any other video shop which has Akira subtitled please tell me.
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