Project A-KO
Released by Siren
Type - Action/Comedy
Score - 82/100
Project A-ko was one of the first anime videos I ever saw and I loved it. I saw the UK release the Australian release was a lot latter. I a found it to be quite funny but also weird.
The story is about a girl , A-ko, who has super strenght ( thanks to her parents ) and her best friend C-ko, who has super whining powers. But another girl , B-ko, wishs for C-ko's attention ( her motives are not clear but she maybe gay ) so she continuosly chalenges A-ko to fights. Due to A-ko's super strenght she fights A-ko with the inventions she creates ( giant robots ). In the mean time aliens invade their city but this seems to only create a slight distraction between A-ko and B-kos' fighting.
All of this makes a lot of laughs, their are also some weird suprises in this anime.A-ko was origanal created to be a spoof comedy and most people should get the jokes. There was one joke which many Australians may not get and that is the where A-ko and C-ko are in the theater the movie is is taking off an old anime "Harmageddon", if my memory is correct.
The animation in A-ko is very good, personly I belive the animation in A-ko has quite a distinctive style which I really did like. The director also use some origanal camera angles to boost the over all presentation of A-ko.
The dubbing of A-ko shows Manga's strenghts and weaknesses. The voice acting quite good, as most Manga dubs. The bad point is that Manga have not only dubbed the songs but rewritten them ( i herby curse Manga ).
Well if you have any liking to humor you shuold like A-ko but pay attention to the animation it is good.
Project A-KO 2 -
Plot of The Daitokuji Financial Group
Released by Polygram/Siren
Type - Action/Comedy
Score - 58/100
The sequel to first A-ko, "yah!" ( or is that lukyyy!!!! ) I thought, but it did not turn out that way.
The story is about the father of B-ko wanting to ge sectrets from the aliens, the aliens in the mean time are trying to raise money to repair their space ship, so they can go home, so they set up a giant hotel complex. All while A-ko and B-ko continue fighting over C-ko.
Project A-ko 2 pretty much is a copy of the first. There are not many fresh ideas, it is not well written, the animation is not as good.
But there are still laughs in this one, it is just not as good as the original.
I would of score Project A-ko 2 around 68/100, but the English version has one slight problem, HORRIBLE voice acting. The 1st A-ko was a coproduction between Manga and USMC, but for the rest of the series USMC are in totally control. Boy did they screw up big time! Common sense would asume they would use the original actors, NOPE, they decided to recast. They managed to get some of the worse voice actors, the new C-ko is proberly the worse of the lot. I know C-ko is ment to be annoying but this new voice is just pathetic. To save time I will state now that the rest of the series is also very poorly dubbed.
Project A-KO 3 -
Cinderella Rhapsody
Released by Polygram/Siren
Type - Action/Comedy
Score - 45/100
Well in number three A-ko and B-ko are still at it but this time C-ko has been forgoten as both A-ko and B-ko start fighting over a boy named Kei ( is B-ko bi??? ), but kei loves C-ko.
Once again it is the same A-ko story line just slightly rewritten. This one is actually not even that funny. The story starts by devoleping the plot but after a while the writers seem to lose all ideas and in the end it seems the writters did not even know how to finish it.
Oh well, there are still a couple of laughs.
Project A-KO 4 -
Released by Polygram/Siren
Type - Action/Comedy
Score - 50/100
Project A-ko 4 Final ( well not quite ) is once again the same story rewritten, but slightly better than A-ko 3.
In this story Kei is going going to get married to the teacher Ayumi, even though he still loves C-ko. But B-ko nor A-ko likes this and battles start up again. In thew mean time the aliens have returned to take C-ko home.
Some laughs in what is the last A-ko by Yuji Moriyama. It does get extra marks for their alternative of a scene from "Capricious Orange Road".
Project A-KO 5 -
Grey Side
Released by Polygram/Siren
Type - Action/Comedy
Score - 40/100
Well it is a A-ko in alternative setting, no more high school students here. This time Nishijima, the director of the first A-ko, is in charge.
The story is that A-ko and B-ko work together on some alien planet and this time C-ko is the rich girl. A couple of space pirates kidnap C-ko but lose her. C-ko then falls onto A-ko then a fight starts between the pirates and the "ko"s'.
Well I was hoping with a change of director that this one would be better, but no luck. Grey side tries to be more serious than the other A-kos but it really does not work out and ends up fairly boring and just not interesting.They should of left A-ko Final as final, well they should of really stopped after the second one.
Well if you have nothing better to watch.
Project A-KO 6 -
Blue Side
Released by Polygram/Siren
Type - Action/Comedy
Score - ???/100
Have yet to see this one!
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