Released by Siren
Type - Action/Esp
Parts 1 - 3, on two tapes or all on one tape
Score - 89/100
I remember seeing the previews for this one, I though I have to see this. I was not disappointed.
The story is set in Hong Kong ( for the first episode ) based at a secret lab. A scientist was working on how to increased a persons Vajra power ( esp ). But his partner killed him so as to use the research himself and take the credit. Years later Elaine who was a product of the experiments starts to cause trouble with as she is mently lacking but still has extremly strong esp power. As you could image this cause lots of trouble, some great action, and lot of gory deaths.
Don't get me wrong the story is also great.
On the animation side of things it is the good but could have been better. What really stands are the designs in Genocbyer. The characters such the bad guy with blades which pop out of his body. Elaine in her destructive form is also very impresive.
Well to sum it up watch this one,if you can handle a few severed heads and other body parts.
Suprisingly this title did not get the same sort of attention as Akira. Both have simular stories but Genocyber is a lot better in my opinion.
Question to Manga, when are we going to see parts 4 & 5???
On another note there is also a comic available, done by the impressive T. Takezaki ( of AD police fame ). The story is very differnt to the anime but still very good, unfortunatly Viz only translated 7 parts which really just starts the story.
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