Yes here is a list all anime I belive to be commercially available for rental in Perth.
Note that I have not yet done many reviews, titles with reviews are pink and uderlined.
If you wish to help me I would greatly appreciate if people would send me reveiws of anime. The anime does not have to be in this list as I hope to start a non-WA anime list. Just send your reviews via email, my address is at the bottom of each page.
You will notice that I have also included some TV shows and some non-japanese animation.
The list should be in alphabetical order and next to each title there will be some of the following:
* Part No. ( which parts are released)
* Parts ??? ( this means I don't really know how many parts are available )
* DUB ( meaning it is a dubbed video)
* SUB ( meaning the video is english subtiled)
* TV ( it is on or was on tv)
* TV & VIDEO ( you figure this one out)
* RIP ( a title which was once available but is no longer, unless somebody finds it again)
* USA ( from the usa)
* 3 X 3 Eyes, Parts 1 to 5, dub
* 8 Man After, Parts 1 to 4, dub
A -
* AD Police, Parts 1 - 3, dub
* Adventure Kid, Part 1, dub
* Adventures of Ultraman, dub
* Aeon Flux, TV & Video, USA ( South Korean )
* Akira, dub & sub
* Amazing Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Parts ???, dub
* Angel Cop, Parts 1 - 6, dub
* Animaniacs, TV & Video, USA
* Appleseed, dub
* Armitage, Parts 1 - 4,dub
* Armitage The Movie, dub
* Astro Boy, Parts 1 - 30 ( colour series ), TV & Video, dub
B -
* Babel 2, Parts 1 - 4, dub
* Battle Angle Alita, dub
* Battle Skipper, Parts 1 -3, dub
* Big Wars, dub
* Black Magic Mario M-66, dub
* Bob in a Bottle, TV, dub
* Bubble Gum Crisis, Parts 1 - 8, dub & sub
C -
* Captian Harlock, dub
* Cassahan , Parts 1 - 4, dub
* Castle of Cagliostro ( Lunpin 3 ), dub
* Cat Girl Nuku Nuku, Parts 1 - 3, dub, RIP
* The Cockpit, sub
* Crying Freeman, Parts 1 - 6, dub
* Cyber City OEDO 808, Parts 1 - 3, dub
D -
* Dangioah, dub
* Devil Man, Parts 1 & 2, dub
* Digital Devil Story, sub
* Dominion Tank Police, Parts 1 - 10, dub
* Doomed Megalopolis, Parts 1 - 4, dub
E -
* Eek the cat, TV, USA
* Eagle Riders, TV, dub
* El Hazard, Part 1, dub
F -
* Fatal Fury, 1 movie & 2 oav, dub
* Fist of The North Star, dub
* Fire Tripper, dub
G -
* Galatic Pirates, Parts 1 - 3, dub
* Genesis Surviver Gaiarth, Parts 1 - 3, dub
* Genocyber, Parts 1 - 3, dub
* Ghost in The Shell, sub & dub
* Giant Robo, Parts 1 - 6, dub
* Gigolo, dub
* Goku Midnight Eye, Parts 1 & 2, dub
* Golgo 13 The Professional, dub
* Goodbye Lady Liberty ( Lupin 3 ),dub
* Gunbuster - Aim for The Top, Parts 1 - 6, RIP
* Guy, Parts 1 - 2, dub
* Guyver, Parts 1 - 12, dub
H -
* The Hakkenden, Parts 1 - 6?, dub
* The Heroic Legend of Arislan, Parts 1 - 2, dub
I -
* Iczer One, Parts 1 - 3, dub
J -
* Judge, dub
* Junk Boy, dub
K -
* Kabuto, dub
* Kekko Kamen, Part 2, dub
* Kimba ( Leo ) The White Lion, Parts???, TV & Video, dub
* Kishan Corps, Part 1, dub
* KO Century Beast Warriors, parts 1 - 3, dub, RIP
L -
* Laughing Target, dub
* Legend of The Four Kings, Parts 1- 12, dub
* Lensman, dub
M -
* Macross, sub & dub
* Macross 2, Parts 1 - 6, dub
* Macross Plus, Parts 1 - 4, dub
* Mad Bull, Parts 1 - 4, dub
* Magnos, dub
* Maris, dub
* MD Geist, Parts 1( and a directors cut) - 2, dub
* Megazone 23, dub
* Mermaid Forest, dub
* Mission Promete, Parts ???, dub
* Moldiver, Parts 1 - 6, dub
* Monster ( Demon ) City, dub
N -
* Ninja Scroll, dub
O -
* Odin, dub
P -
* Patlabor, Movie 1 & 2, dub
* Phantom 2040, TV & Video, USA
* Phantom Quest Corps. , Parts 1 - 4, dub
* Plastic Little, sub
* Project A-KO, Parts 1 - 5, dub
* Protectors, Parts ???, dub
Q -
Nothing here yet!!!!
R -
* Ranma 1/2, Parts 1 - 6(oav) Movies 1 & 2, dub
* RG Veda, dub
* Riding Bean, dub & sub
* Robot Carnival, dub
* Robotech, TV & Video, Parts ???, dub
* Robotech 2 - The Sentinels, USA
* Roujin Z, dub
S -
* Sailor Moon, parts ???, tv & video, dub
* Samuri Gold, sub
* Samuri Pizza Cats, TV, dub
* Samuri Showdown ( spirts ), dub
* Sci-Bots, Parts ???, dub
* Secret of Mamo ( Lupin 3 ), dub
* Sol Bianca, Parts 1 & 2, sub
* South Park, TV, USA
* Space Adventure Cobra, dub
* Star Blazers, Parts 1 - 18, dub
* Streetfighter 2, dub
* Streetfighter V, Parts 1 - 30?, dub
T -
* Technoman, TV, dub
* Tenchi Muyo, Parts 1 - 13, dub
* Tokyo Babylon, Parts 1 & 2, dub
U -
* Ultimate Teacher, dub
* Urotsukidoji ( The Overfiend ),Parts 1, 2, & 3, sub & dub
V -
* Vampire Hunter D, dub
* Vampire Princess Miyu, Parts 1 - 4, dub
* Venus Wars, dub
* Voltron, Parts ???, TV & Video, dub
W -
* Wicked City, dub
* The Wind of Amnesia, dub
* Wings of Honneamise, sub & dub
X -
Y -
* You're Under Arrest, Parts 1 - 4, dub
Z -
* Zeguy, dub
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This page is presented by Alex Kid, if you want to mail me for any reason please feel free, my email is -
[email protected]